Tag Archives: mini-podcast

Theatre audience report, upcoming events and a mess of thoughts

TGIF!  I hope you all have some enjoyable weekend arts events planned.  Today has been a whirlwind of activity for me, so I thought I would update you.

After recording, Howard Sherman tweeted at me that the report has 1,000 UK respondents, 200 US, 100 Ireland, 100 Australia, 50 Germany. This is an odd sample, but good to know more worldly. He also shared with me a link for his commentary stating that this Ticketmaster report “wrongly reduces the impact” of NEA and Americans for the Arts reports:

  • My thoughts today were about apathy in the arts, my new website, reports and their accuracy (or bias),  how I can make a difference, and whether or not I should release my $5 webinars for free since they are good sources of information, but no one has expressed interest yet.
  • For today’s Giving Program gift, do visit Howard Sherman’s blog, especially if you are a theatre person.  I have always found his entries to be insightful and intriguing about current events.  He has a viewpoint that is grounded yet reaching for the new, a very enlightening perspective.

Please feel free to share your mess of thoughts today, and have a super weekend!

Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,


Shoshana Fanizza

Audience Development Specialists



“Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.”
~James Stewart

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Filed under Audience Development

The Moment – Using the moment to build audiences

After a conversation with Pierre-Arnaud Dablemont, a pianist from Brussels, he touched upon the concept of the moment being a core reason why people attend a concert. Has classical music (and the arts) been ignoring this important reason? This was my thinking out loud session about using the moment to build audiences. Thanks, Pierre-Arnaud!

Head to Pierre-Arnaud’s website for more of his brilliant thinking:

Email subscribers, you will have to click on the link to take you to the blog post.  Thanks so much!

Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,


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Filed under arts marketing, Audience Development

Add a splash of Energy and Passion for arts audience development!

Your mini-podcast for the week!  If you are an email subscriber, you will need to click on the link to take you to the web blog post.

Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,

Shoshana :O)



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Filed under Arts, arts marketing, Audience Development