Tag Archives: Audience Development Specialists services

Happy New Year for arts audience development

Happy New Year
This is a quick post to ring in the new year.  I am busily working on plans for 2013, and I hope to have some announcements by the end of next week.  I can mention that I am working on:

  • Quarterly Webinars
  • Monthly #Auddev chats
  • Podcast Projects
  • Video Sessions and Slidecasts
  • More audience development books
  • New services
  • And a few other exciting learning opportunities

I plan on making 2013 the year of content and connection.  What are your plans for 2013?  Any arts business resolutions, or better yet, commitments?

Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,


Shoshana Fanizza

Audience Development Specialists



“Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.”
~James Stewart

Although we are not a non-profit, if you would like to support ADS to continue our work, you can donate here.

***Purchasing my book will help support ADS and our mission.***

My eBook


Filed under Arts, arts management, arts marketing, Audience Development

2011 – End of the year ADS news for future arts audience development

This will be my last post for 2011.  I am wrapping up my blog for this year to spend some time on getting my eBook published.  The next time you hear from me I will be announcing that the eBook is available for purchase.

2011 has been an amazing adventure for me and ADS.  I want to thank you for being a part of the journey this year.  I have had some huge successes and have learned from the few failures. For example, I have learned:

  • PowerPoint presentations are so last year.
  • You need to take care of yourself so you can take care of others efficiently.
  • Listening to your audiences gives you the best information for success.
  • It is good to plan yet appear spontaneous at the same time.  ;O)
  • Bringing focus to a goal with targeted time and effort works wonders!
  • Checking your ego at the door establishes the best foundation for beneficial collaborations.
  • Everyone has their own style, and it is best to work with others in accordance.
  • Ideas are born on their own time.  You can’t force something to happen, but if it is meant to be, it will happen soon.
  • Never get a major hair makeover before a big event.  Instead, allow months for a transition.
  • Everyone needs a support base, including me.

The good news is that I will be pressing on for another year with new services!

In 2012, I am starting a webinar series that will run every other month.  These 6 webinars will feature a guest speaker for a specific audience development topic in our arts industry.  The webinars will be co-produced by our new partner, Rosebrook Classical.   I hope you will join us for one of the first two webinars that are planned:

January 20th  – Noon ET
Participatory Classical Music
How can we build classical music experiences that will also build our audiences?  Participatory performances, designing events with your audience members, using music as a social force, nurturing your audiences, and increasing demand will all be discussed.


Shoshana Fanizza, Audience Development Specialists
Co-hosted with John Steinmetz
Co-produced with David Weuste, Rosebrook Classical

To Register: Click Here!

March 16th – Noon ET
Working with Mobile Technology to Develop Your Audience
With the rapid adoption of web-enabled cell phones, smartphones and tablet computers, what options are available to arts professionals who want to engage their audiences via mobile devices? How can artists and organizations implement these options cost effectively without taking focus away from the art?


Shoshana Fanizza, Audience Development Specialists
Co-hosted with David Dombrosky
Co-produced with David Weuste, Rosebrook Classical

To Register: Click Here!

Also in 2012, three new products will be born: Audience Development Projects, Audience Development Groups and Blog Subscribers Q&A Forum.

Audience Development Projects will be projects that will target specific audience development issues.  Artists and arts organizations can “invest” in these projects by signing up (shared fee for my time), and grants will be sought out to cover any of the other costs for the project.  As a group, working with me to spearhead, we will be creating a plan for each artist and arts organization for developing their audiences in accordance with the particular challenge.  Group conference calls/webmeetings will be scheduled, and follow up discussions and surveys to track progress will be planned as well.

Audience Development Groups is a more casual group program.  For a small monthly fee, artists and arts organizations can sign up for a group.  Your group will consist of 10 people.  During the months time, everyone in the group will be able to bring forward a particular audience development challenge, and the group will help you brainstorm solutions.   Four weekly group conference calls/webmeetings will be scheduled, and follow up discussions and surveys to track progress will be planned as well.

Blog Subscribers Q&A Forum is a thank you gift for my blog subscribers.  If you want to be a part of this group, all you have to do is subscribe to this blog.  I want to ask my subscribers at this time to start sending me questions for discussion.  I will choose particular questions, one per week, and I will do a Cinchcast (mini-podcast) or a vlog (video blog) to answer these questions.  Again, only subscribers, people that are on my subscribers list, will be eligible to participate.

Last, but not least for 2012, we are working on regional workshops that will cover specific issues for each region.  Currently, a California workshop tour is in the works for late April: L.A., San Jose, and Sacramento.  I have hopes that Chicago, Portland, and Austin or Houston will be added to the roster.

Please stay tuned for the launch of these new and important programs. 

We will be continuing the services that have been established in 2011, including the majority of our free services, such as the weekly blog posts, audience development tip of the day Cinchcasts, ADS ARTicles on Twitter, quarterly e-Newsletter, and daily Facebook page posts.

2012 holds a great deal of promise for ADS and for audience development.  I wish you and yours all the best for a very prosperous New Year!

Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,

Shoshana Fanizza

Audience Development Specialists



“Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.”
~James Stewart

Although we are not a non-profit, if you would like to support ADS to continue our work, you can donate here.

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Filed under arts management, arts marketing, Audience Development